Concerning Christian Practices

…simply a practice we enjoy There are numerous references in the Psalms where the writer cries out, “O Lord!” One of these references is Psalm 130:1: “Out of the depths…

ECNR’s Misrepresentations

…do many others) use the term Christianity to refer to unscriptural practices and organizational systems inherited from Judaism or Catholicism and yet practiced at times in Protestant churches. However, we…

Concerning Theological Training

…training in the biblical languages and theology, and requires others to have the same in order to understand the Scripture. Those who have been outstanding throughout history in opposing God…

A History of Our Responses to Criticism

…under the titles The Mindbenders and The God-Men with far more egregious falsehoods that extended far beyond misrepresenting Witness Lee’s teachings, some churches and church members filed libel actions against…

About This Site

…of Witness Lee’s spoken messages and commentary from many of Witness Lee’s close co-workers. Further, contact information for many local churches is available through the Internet. These easily accessible resources

“The Experts Speak”—Preface

…minor changes were made to complete thoughts and sentences based on a comparison of the transcripts with the audio tapes of the trial. The experts have reviewed the edited transcripts…

Misquoting and Misrepresentation

…Answers to the Bible Answer Man – Appendix Testimonies from the Churches November 5 In the past few weeks the Bible Answer Man has attacked Witness Lee and the local…

Responses to Criticism

…rebuttal put forward by Geisler and Rhodes contained many errors of fact and of biblical truth. Beginning in July 2010, DCP began publishing a series of articles under the general…

The Deviations of Christianity

…preferences. The preferences include certain leaders, doctrines, practices, association with a certain race, etc. Eventually those with like preference form a group and denominate themselves by taking a name. Thus,…

A General History

…churches are a cult or that any of the heinous practices the book associates with cults are true as regards the local churches. Unexpectedly dialogues initiated through contacts made during…

Summary Comments from 1977

…years. In addition, another twenty churches are directly under the nourishment of his ministry. Scores of books on practical Christian living, essential truths of the Scripture, and the truths concerning…

A Personal Attack

…can testify that I have been to his home many times and can say concerning his daily life that it is according to the Scriptures. I know him to be…