An index to responses written by members of the local churches to criticisms of the churches and of the ministry of Witness Lee.
All Posts in Category "Open Letter"
June 13, 2014 | church ground, deification, denominations, division, index, lawsuits, litigation, mingling, Norman Geisler, oneness of the believers, Open Letter, response, Ron Rhodes, scholars, Trinity, Triune God, Walter Martin | |
A series of articles addressing various deviations from biblical truth and false and hypocritical statements in an article posted on the Internet by Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes. That article attacked the “We Were Wrong” issue of the Christian Research Journal and defended a 2007 open letter. |
June 12, 2014 | Christian Research Institute, Christian Research Journal, CRI, Elliot Miller, Hank Hanegraaff, index, Open Letter |
The articles on this site responding to criticisms of the local churches and the ministry of Witness Lee are centered around three primary issues—the Trinity, God’s complete salvation, and the practical expression of the church. The first round of responses were published in the 1970s in response to the criticisms of inexperienced apologists who had a limited understanding of biblical truth and even less of the ministry of Witness Lee. After an interim in which many additional resources presenting Witness Lee’s teachings were published, beginning from 1999 Harvest House Publishers and others associated with that company raised the same issues again, essentially repeating those earlier accusations without regard to the responses or other writings already published. Those renewed criticisms called forth a second round of responses. |
March 6, 2014 | church ground, deification, denominations, division, History, lawsuits, litigation, mingling, Norman Geisler, oneness of the believers, Open Letter, response, Ron Rhodes, scholars, Trinity, Triune God, Walter Martin |
![]() In December 2009, the Christian Research Institute (CRI) published an edition of its Christian Research Journal dedicated to CRI’s reassessment of the local churches and the ministry of Witness Lee. This reassessment caused CRI to withdraw its earlier criticisms and endorse the local churches as “genuine New Testament Christianity.” |
March 5, 2014 | affirmation, AIA, Answers in Action, Christian Research Institute, Christian Research Journal, CRI, Elliot Miller, Gretchen Passantino, Hank Hanegraaff, local churches, Open Letter, We Were Wrong |
![]() In 2007 an open letter appeared on the Internet calling on Living Stream Ministry and the local churches to “disavow and cease to publish” certain statements by Witness Lee. The two books in the series A Defense of the Gospel: Responses to an Open Letter from “Christian Scholars and Ministry Leaders” (1) and 2 answer the concerns raised in that 2007 open letter and show the defects in its handling of important biblical truths. |
March 4, 2014 | church ground, Defense of the Gospel, denominations, oneness of the believers, Open Letter, salvation, Triune God |
![]() Elliot Miller, Editor-in-Chief of the Christian Research Journal, and Hank Hanegraaff, President of Christian Research Institute talk about deficiencies in the scholarship and biblical understanding of Christian leaders who signed a 2007 open letter criticizing the ministry of Witness Lee and the local churches. |
November 30, 2009 | affirmation, Bible Answer Man, Christian Research Institute, church ground, CRI, deification, Elliot Miller, Hank Hanegraaff, litigation, Neil Duddy, Open Letter, partakers of the divine nature, SCP, Spiritual Counterfeits Project, The God-Men, Trinity, Triune God, video |