Concerning the Church

…God establishes only one church. As further proof, consider Acts 14:23: “And having chosen them elders in each church…” Now compare this with Titus 1:5: “And establish elders in each…

A Challenge to the Bible Answer Man

…Answer Man’s research and his faulty, shallow understanding of various passages of Scripture. The Bible Answer Man publicly continues to attack on issues that have already been refuted as if…

The Mingling of God and Man

…Old Testament Firstly, the truths in the New Testament, being spiritual and abstract, are often pictured by the types in the Old Testament. Concerning the testimony of the Old Testament,…

The God-Men

…associates, the exhibits produced before the court, and the testimony of expert witnesses. This online version contains links to the electronic images of the deposition pages and exhibits referenced in…

Our Faith, Testimony, and History

English version Chinese / English version This small volume briefly introduces the local churches and the ministry of Watchman Nee and Witness Lee that supplies them.Specifically this book: Outlines the…

The Believers have the Divine Nature

…IX, edited by Gerhard Kittel, the author states: “The expression ‘partakers of the divine nature’ seems to suggest [a] non-eschatological understanding of redemption…” He goes on to explain what he…

An Introduction to Watchman Nee and Witness Lee

Watchman Nee’s Ministry and History Watchman Nee’s Early Ministry in China Watchman Nee’s ministry of spiritual nourishment and his unique ability to expound the Scripture along with his firm testimony…

“The Mindbenders” – History

…for The Mindbenders in major newspapers and Christian periodicals throughout the United States. Background For a general background of the events leading up to the writing of The Mindbenders, see…