A Letter to the Saints in the Lord’s Recovery

…friend-of-the-court briefs posted at /libel-litigations/harvest-house-et-al/index.html. The recognition of these and many other evangelicals over the past five years that the saints in the Lord’s recovery are genuine believers and that…

The Truth Concerning Salvation

…covenant (Heb. 8:8-13, Psa. 89:34), His power (John 10:29, Psa. 89:13), and by the unchangeable God Himself (James 1:17). Salvation is also made secure by the eternal redemption of Christ…

Living Stream Ministry

…variety evangelical media outlets, including: Apuntos Pastorales, Bible Review, Biblical Archeology Review, CBA Marketplace, Charisma, Christian Retailing, Christian Scholar’s Review, Impacto, Kairos, Mercado Cristiano, Ministries Today, Munce Marketing Group, New…

Concerning the Bible

…with?” Then he makes the joke: “A cosmic mirror looking at Himself?” He doesn’t finish quoting John 1:1; he only quotes the first part, which says, “The Word was with…

A History of Our Responses to Criticism

…Bible—the oikonomia [economy] of God (Eph. 3:9).” The first issues addressed subjects such as “Knowing the Triune God,” “Experiencing the Triune God,” and “Union with the Triune God.” A 2001…

“The Experts Speak”—Contents

…Question #10: Unethical Behavior Encouraged? Question #11: Was the Church Misrepresented? Question #12: Did Your Worship Alter Your Mind? Question #13: Was Unthinking Obedience Expected? Question #14: Did You Study

Concerning the Church

…Jerusalem.” It says, “The church that was at Antioch” (Acts 13:1), never, “The churches that were at Antioch.” If there was one city, there was only one church. When the…

The Truth Concerning Exclusivism

…Paul: “Therefore receive ye one another, as Christ also received us to the glory of God” (Rom. 15:7). R. K. © Living Stream Ministry. All rights reserved. Reproduced by permission….