Recently, stories have begun to surface in the West regarding problems the Chinese government is having with some splinter religious groups in Western China. At least one of these groups, “Lightning from the East” has been linked in government reports to the so-called “Shouters”, a designation given by the Chinese government to various groups in the early 1980s. Historically, the local churches in China have sometimes been wrongly identified by this term in official government documents and press accounts, as have many other genuine Christian groups. Living Stream Ministry and the more than 4000 local churches it supports around the globe have no connection or linkage, formally or informally, to either “The Shouters” or the groups that are currently the focus of the government crackdown, namely “Lightning from the East” and the “All Mighty God Sect.” Members of genuine local churches, like those who utilize the ministry materials put out by Living Stream Ministry, are proper, law-abiding citizens and condemn the extreme and anti-Christian teachings of these aberrant groups.
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