Brothers, Hear Our Defense (4 Book Set)


Although the four books in the series Brothers, Hear Our Defense were written to correct many theological, factual, and historical errors in an article by Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes criticizing the teaching of Witness Lee, they also present many important matters of truth concerning the Bible, the significance of the incarnation of Christ, the nature of God, and other subjects.



Although the four books in the series Brothers, Hear Our Defense were written to correct many theological, factual, and historical errors in an article by Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes criticizing the teaching of Witness Lee, they also present many important matters of truth concerning the Bible, the significance of the incarnation of Christ, the nature of God, and other subjects.

Brothers, Hear Our Defense (1)

This book contains a series of articles concerning critical points of truth. The articles in this book address the dangers of:

  • Replacing the Bible with creeds as a Christian’s rule of faith and practice.
  • Sacrificing one aspect of biblical truth for the sake of defending another.
  • Denying the truth that the infinite God became a finite man through incarnation.
Brothers, Hear Our Defense (2)

This book contains a series of articles addressing critical points of truth concerning the Divine Trinity. The articles in this book address the errors of:

  • Insisting on use of the word person(s) as a litmus test of orthodoxy.
  • Accusing those who affirm the coinherence and co-working of the Three of the Divine Trinity of teaching heresy.
  • Denying the plain assertion in Isaiah 9:6 that the Son is the eternal Father.
  • Denying the clear teaching of the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 3:17 that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Spirit.
Brothers, Hear Our Defense (1)

Since the Reformation many Christian teachers have critiqued the state of Christendom in light of the Word of God. As faithful servants of the Lord, Watchman Nee and Witness Lee provided biblically-based assessments of Christendom that are worthy of the attention of all who love the church and are concerned for her welfare. Recently, Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes assailed Witness Lee’s critique of Christendom, misusing short sentence fragments taken from one chapter of his copious ministry. This book examines their:

  • Misrepresentation of Witness Lee’s critique of the system of Christianity as an attack on Christians.
  • Misrepresentation of Witness Lee’s critique of the Roman Catholic Church.
  • Double standard regarding criticisms of the Roman Catholic Church.
Brothers, Hear Our Defense (4)

This book contains a series of articles correcting certain unfounded accusations repeated in a recent article by Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes. It presents factual information that challenges their assertions and demonstrates that:

  • Charges that the local churches use litigation to silence doctrinal criticism are based on false reports.
  • The Spiritual Counterfeits Project declared bankruptcy to avoid a court judgment against them.
  • Geisler and Rhodes misrepresented many aspects of the Harvest House litigation.

In each instance, Geisler and Rhodes have seriously misrepresented the facts and have repeated false witness.

The books in the Brothers, Hear Our Defense series also serve as a critique of the apologetic methods used by Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes, highlighting serious misrepresentations in their criticisms of Witness Lee and the local churches as well as some grave deficiencies in their understanding of biblical truth. The critiques in the Brothers, Hear Our Defense series should call forth a determination among those involved in Christian apologetics to uplift the standard in their field of work so that the cause of truth may be served with integrity.