The Mindbenders

…beginning on April 10, 1983. Note: Click on the preview page to view the entire documents. CWLF, NCAO, SCP, and the Local Churches Sparks (bottom-right) & the CWLF Both The

CRI Videos

…made in error. Part 2 – The importance of context in understanding others’ teachings. Part 3 – The countercult community’s error in rejecting Dr. J. Gordon Melton’s Open Letter. Part…

Concerning Theological Training

The material on this page was written in the 1970s to respond to the criticisms of Walter Martin, founder of the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and the original “Bible Answer…

What is God’s Recovery?

…by raising up those commonly known as the Plymouth Brethren, under the leadership of John Nelson Darby and others. Especially at the beginning, the Brethren were absolute, coming out of…

Who Are We

…twenty centuries to greatly advance the opening of God’s Word in three key areas: The subjective experience of the Divine Trinity who is embodied in Christ and realized as the


the Gospel – Responses to an Open Letter… In 2007 an open letter appeared on the Internet calling on Living Stream Ministry and the local churches to “disavow and cease…

The Mingling of God and Man

The material on this page was written in the 1970s to respond to the criticisms of Walter Martin, founder of the Christian Research Institute (CRI) and the original “Bible Answer…

Copyright Policy

…Internet is simple: All electronic materials published by DCP should reside on a DCP site. However, links to DCP sites and particular DCP web pages are greatly encouraged. We acknowledge…