Responses to Criticism

…these booklets—the Divine Trinity, the Person of Christ, God’s complete salvation, and the standing of the local churches—are timeless and have stood unrefuted since their initial publication. Ignoring those earlier…

Criticism of the Open Letter

…described the early research done by CRI and commented, “That they [the open letter signers] would be wrong only follows since they’re building their conclusions on our original work, and…

A Letter to Our Friends

…95 local churches against the authors and publisher of Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions (ECNR), we would like to offer some comments following the recent decision of the United…

What is God’s Recovery?

…by raising up those commonly known as the Plymouth Brethren, under the leadership of John Nelson Darby and others. Especially at the beginning, the Brethren were absolute, coming out of…

A Personal Attack

…this country and have never met a man that compares even slightly to Witness Lee in character, daily living, or humanity. In my opinion, he has been severely mocked and…

The Deviations of Christianity

…the Word The same council which composed the Nicene Creed also decreed in Canon III that the clergy should not marry. This was in fulfillment of 1 Timothy 4:1-3: “In latter…

Concerning the Church

…God establishes only one church. As further proof, consider Acts 14:23: “And having chosen them elders in each church…” Now compare this with Titus 1:5: “And establish elders in each…


…More and more Christians have come to realize that the local churches are sound in the essentials of the common faith. Read about some of those dialogues here and what…

Who Are We

…Spirit to carry out His economy to produce and build up the Body of Christ (Col. 2:9; Eph. 3:8; 2 Cor. 3:17; Phil. 1:19; Eph. 3:9; 1:22b-23; 4:15-16); God’s complete…