The Faith

The faith affirmed by the local churches is the faith common to all believers, namely that: The Bible is the Word of God, written under His inspiration word by word…

The Believers have the Divine Nature

…Testament by Louis Segond. In the French version the phrase reads “participants de la nature divine” (participants of the divine nature). (3) The Commentators Concerning what two leading commentators and…

God in Trinity

…and his associates claim that it took them hundreds of pages of wading and documentation to come up with the fact that the Holy Spirit is in the process of…

Concerning the Bible

…and hands were raised, he commented, “Not enough!” But I have observed that in all the local church meetings, everyone brings his Bible. In my experience as a pastor I…

Living Stream Ministry

company in the United States in 1965 by Witness Lee, who served as the principal editor of Watchman Nee’s publishing company, the Shanghai Gospel Book Room. In many respects, Living…

The Mindbenders

…Mindbenders and The God-Men share a common source in the animus sown into members of the Christian World Liberation Front (CWLF) at UC Berkeley by Jack Sparks and his associate,…

A General History

…Counterfeits Project (SCP) to combat religious groups that originated in the Far East. The collective enmity of NCAO/EOC and CWLF/SCP toward the local churches led to two books that falsely…

Criticism of the Open Letter

…described the early research done by CRI and commented, “That they [the open letter signers] would be wrong only follows since they’re building their conclusions on our original work, and…

What is God’s Recovery?

…by raising up those commonly known as the Plymouth Brethren, under the leadership of John Nelson Darby and others. Especially at the beginning, the Brethren were absolute, coming out of…