Harvest House Books Echo Our Criticism of Christianity

…the Harvest House Publishers corporate Web site. The link is to a PDF file generated from http://web.archive.org/web/20050222203032/http://www.harvesthousepubl.com/book.cfm?ProductID=6909893http://www.harvesthousepubl.com/book.cfm?ProductID=6909893 on 08/22/06. The original page is subject to change by Harvest House Publishers….

A Letter to Our Friends

…95 local churches against the authors and publisher of Encyclopedia of Cults and New Religions (ECNR), we would like to offer some comments following the recent decision of the United…

The Oneness of the Triune God

…shall be in you. I will not leave you desolate (orphans): I come unto you.” When the Spirit comes to the disciples, the Lord Himself also comes to them, that…

Did Harvest House Use Professional Editorial Practices?

…Authors Address Newest Allegations from The Local Church and Living Stream Ministry,” https://www.harvesthousepublishers.com/images/uploads/2004_04_05_HHP_Addresses_Newest_Allegations.pdf . 2 Deposition of Robert Hawkins, Jr., September 25, 2003, p. 142. Deposition of Carolyn McCready, March…

A Response to Norman Geisler and Ron Rhodes’ Defense

…responses are available at both www.lctestimony.org/OpenLetterDialogue.html and www.contendingforthefaith.org/pdf/Open Letter Response (1).pdf. 3These articles cite many Christian teachers from a wide range of theological backgrounds. Quoting them does not mean that…

Harvest House Persists in Libel

…doing so and once again declare that our strong preference remains to meet together with the offending parties as believers and seek a righteous resolution. But as they have chosen…